There is a reason the gasket failed, and it should be fixed also. Plan on getting the head milled to correct the warp. Might as well just give it a valve job.
You might just want to get a complete engine from a salvage yard. Get them to check the compression first. This would prove faster and maybe give you fewer surprises. You might find lower prices then those at this site:
But it will give you an idea of the cost.I%26039;ve come to terms that I need a head gasket... So how much is the damage??? :(?
u r looking at about1,200 to 1,500 dollarsI%26039;ve come to terms that I need a head gasket... So how much is the damage??? :(?
The straight (inline) six cylinder from that model is pretty straightforward. Not a great deal of stuff to remove to get to that cylinder head. If you have not suffered engine damage due to the coolant in the oil, I'd think $300 might cover that job.I%26039;ve come to terms that I need a head gasket... So how much is the damage??? :(?
If you are fixing only the head gasket...and provided the head is in good are probably looking at between $300 and $600 depending on the garage you take it to. they all charge different labor rates so that will be the factor you are looking at.I%26039;ve come to terms that I need a head gasket... So how much is the damage??? :(?
you might have someone qualified to check if the head or block/cylinders/etc. are not cracked first-you might be wasting money altogether for a non -repairable motor