would i have to get it checked out and written down by another garage? to verify that the problems have been caused by oil overfill?
otherwise i doubt i would have a case.Got my oil changed and i think they overfilled it, as a result i blew a head gasket, how do i sue them?
Head gasket failure is usually caused by the engine overheating, or being run with a low coolant level. It is very doubtful that the oil change had anything to do with the head gasket. I have never know of a head gasket failure caused by too much oil in the engine.
I think what happened was a pure coincidence. You had the oil changed and then the Head gasket failed. The two are not related. It just happened at close to the same time. If you went to the ATM and withdrew $100, and as soon as you got the money, your girlfriend called you to tell you she was breaking up with you, could you blame the bank withdrawal?
It is the same thing here. it is just a matter of coincidental timing.
SorryGot my oil changed and i think they overfilled it, as a result i blew a head gasket, how do i sue them?
Can't say that I've ever heard of overfilling the oil causing a blown head gasket. Are you sure that is what caused it?
The garage that changed the oil, should have drained some out if it was overfilled. If the oil level was only a little overfilled, it shouldn't have made any difference.
Good luck to you, it will be interesting to hear the outcome on this one.Got my oil changed and i think they overfilled it, as a result i blew a head gasket, how do i sue them?
Don't sue them! Everyone is so sue-happy. Just demand for them to pay for the damages to your car---WITHOUT going to court---and if they don't, THEN go to court. Try resolving it first.Got my oil changed and i think they overfilled it, as a result i blew a head gasket, how do i sue them?
You would have to get it checked out by another garage and written down.
You have a problem though.
Before a head gasket would blow because of too much oil it would blow every oil seal in the engine. If they are not blown....you have no case. Sorry.Got my oil changed and i think they overfilled it, as a result i blew a head gasket, how do i sue them?
If your oil was overfull it would get burnt off and you would have a lot of blue smoke out the tailpipe. If they well and truely overfilled it your engine would not turn over because you would get what is called a hydraulic lock because as the pistons tried to rotate they couldn't because they would be trying to compress the oil which is impossible to compress and the head gasket is above where any of this would happen.
I cannot see that there would be any link between your head gasket blowing and the oil change. The normal reason for a head gasket to blow is due to not using corrosion inhibitor and the water without inhibitor in the radiator rusting the head gasket away or corroding the engine block.
From my point of view it is a co-incidence and what many mechanics dis-like because of how they have to try to explain to the customerGot my oil changed and i think they overfilled it, as a result i blew a head gasket, how do i sue them?
If the cars a Vauxhall then it's nearly every other day on them damn things and nothing to do with over fill!!
I religiously always check my oil level after a service!
I blew an engine after an M.O.T. once! there was a hairline fracture on a steel pipe and i lost the water!!
I too felt it was the garage at fault? but how do you prove it?
and yep there is the coincidental occurrence of the fault to take into consideration.Got my oil changed and i think they overfilled it, as a result i blew a head gasket, how do i sue them?
garacaiu is correct...a head gasket blows because of excessive heat in an engine, ie: low or no radiator fluid causing the engine 2 operate at temps above 250 for a period of time or the thermostat stuck or water pump failed causing the same problem.
overfilling of oil would build pressure within the crankcase thus forcing the oil out any orafice availiable, ie: rear main seal, valve seals, timing cover gasket, dampner seal, even the dipstick tube, etc.
if the vehicle is new enuf and has a 'puter a technician can download all info and find out the hottest temp the engine was.